Saturday, July 13, 2013

13 July 2013

This week has been nice, we have been moving right along. We are still in finding mode for the most part, but last night we found and Saturday morning we got a self referral. Most of our people are less active people who want to start coming back to church. It really is all about the referrals and the ward. If it wasn't for the ward our numbers would be super down. I guess people just wouldn't stay because they need that support at the very front of the journey. So that's what we have been doing. This next week we go out and I go out a day with my District leader and then my Zone leader and then the next day I have an interview with my mission president and then district meeting on Friday, and then a Saturday full of finding and first appoioments with people we have tracked into. And then Sunday there is a baptism and that's my week for the most part. This last Sunday I did a talk on the Holy Ghost at some body else's baptism its been a busy week for the Adam s ward. We are covering the Wilshire and USC area. I love the USC area its a younger crowd for the most part but they seem open to the words we have to share with them. We are having dinner tonight with a newly converted family preparing to go through the temple next month. There is a man, Brother Ray, a recent convert,  we meet with him and he always feeds us chili dogs. and then we read and teach and answer basic or deep questions he may have. Also there is an Asain named Chinio who is also a recent convert who  feeds us noodles and lives in some ones back yard and there are grape trees and orange trees and it just looks like a jungle. He lives in one room behind that house and we have a new convert get together every Wednesday at his back yard. It is kind of of his non official calling, I think he does it because he is used to partying so he enjoys the company so he doesn't fall back into that world. I have been working on my lesson plan book 5 lesson.  I have to like 200 scriptures within each lesson to find the right ones and set up my book all fancy its really nice actually and a big help. This week we had to get to our  apartment twice at 6 due to riots that where happening in Hollywood witch is outside our zone. We cover all the Adams ward besides downtown. The district leader gets that area so that's where I will be tomorrow. I am super excited for that. I think its good to get the new missionary's out with different missionary's so we understand better all the different ways. My companion has been out here 18 months and I  have to speed him up since he is so old. But I am doing very good thank you for all the love and support
Love Elder Rawson

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