Sunday, July 28, 2013

28 July 2013

Good times,
As I was driving down the 10 to the Mission Office I had the windows down and the music blasting (with church approved hymns). It was pretty legit. The perks of P-day. 
Among this week there where many times where the hand of the Lord was placed in our lives. The latest happened last night. We where helping a man who had recently graduated Law School who is moving back to Utah with his family. We were bringing a couch and other big objects down to his car. After we where all done he decided that he wasn't going to need any of his food any more so he gave it to us. All of it. We did give a pie to a family in need, but it helped us because we don't have to buy anything this week.  He gave us toilet paper, napkins, food, just everything. It was a true blessing from the Lord. 
             Yesterday afternoon I was with my companion and a family came to a our mind. This is a family which we had knocked on their door and a woman was crying so we left. We didn't know their  situation because we had not been able to speak with them. So we went back to check up on them. To our surprise she was a Jew, and to make it even more interesting a Jew that believed in Christ. We got into a discussion witch lasted over forty five long minutes, with me taking the lead in the conversation. She pulled out her Torah and I pulled out my Book of Mormon and it was the most friendly bash that has ever happened. I think she could tell I was a greenie and had pity on me but I felt like I was doing a pretty good job at saying the right things. And then we left and gave her a invitation to visit and gave her a card. She did not want our book and that was that.  
             Surprisingly I have not had any spicy food yet but we have been fed. Last night we had pasta. We have had tacos, and burritos and lost of different things. When I went out with my zone leader; who covers part of my area; (he is Spanish speaking so his areas and boundaries are different); we went out and the whole day I was just submerged in Spanish, all the Mexicans or Latinos kept telling me to learn and I was like "SI" since that's all the vocab I know. But as we where tracking we would take every other door and on every door that I knocked on there was a man who opened it in his underwear. My Zone leader was just cracking up the whole time. It was pretty great. Not going to lie. 
               Jacob* is our only investigator who is a boy, he is 18 and he really opens up to me since we are the same age and all. He is being baptized on the 11th of August and I taught him the Plan of Salvation at the pioneer day stake event it was lots of fun. They have had him for a while but he does not live within stake or ward boundaries and we can't go to his area at all during the day since there are gang problems that he got out of so they are allowing it to be out of bounds. Which is super nice since the ward here has supported and fellowshiped him in. 
            Rachel* is our newest investigator she has meet with the Korean elders 5 times but it seems like she is converting for the wrong reasons because she likes the Elders not like because she knows that this is the one true church and her only path to salvation. But we get to meet with her and are super excited about it for sure. 
              I have been doing wonderfully and all is well. Thanks for all the love and support that you all have given me. I love you all so very much, and I loved the pictures. I bought a bike for 100 bucks with a helmet lights and all besides the lock from a elder who for some reason had two, so I am set if the time comes that I need a bike which will most likely happen in a couple transfers if I am no longer with my trainer. Everyone who has been with Elder (Sam) Hawthorn has been a leader of some sort right after. I am the first person he has trained though so I feel like that is my future and I am excited I would love to train more then anything really.
              I love you all
            with all my love
             Elder Rawson

*name(s) changed

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