Sunday, August 4, 2013

04 August 2013

Joy!! I have found that joy is in all things!! I have a strong testimony of Joy and that if I do things with joy others will feel the truth!  If I have joy they will too and if I am happy they are happy, if they are happy I am so much happier then I could ever imagine. I know you can love a stranger because I know that we are not strangers.We are equal we our royal brothers and sister, sons and daughters of God!! I know that, I truly do. And that's what I want to share with the World!!! The joy I have. I picture them being baptized and that brings so much joy to my soul! If they chose not to they  are heard-hearted and that makes me sorry. But I know what I am doing out here is what I need to be doing. It is what I want for the next two years!  That's it! It has already been a month, and in that month I just realized that it is just about joy. That joy is what our Heavenly Father wants for us since he loves us so much. He has done so much more then is imaginable. I wish I could love someone as much as he loves 7 billion people plus more. He is all amazing!! I can not praise him enough!!  And our Savior Jesus Christ is the perfect example. I was looking and he gave all the glory to God! All of it to His Father in Heaven, a perfect person who died and took all of our sins upon him, so that we could stand before God again and so we could be cleansed. And he did not give the credit to himself, that is amazing!!! I have a testimony in this. And I say those things in the name of Jesus Christ Amen. 
Elder Rawson

Monday, July 29, 2013

29 July 2013

Read the Book of Mormon!! 
I am on Jacob 3.I started it when I first started my mission. (in field. I did not read it in the MTC,) Read the Book of Mormon! It is great. I bare my testimony of it everyday and I truly believe it, it is amazing. Truly. I have also been making lesson plans it is pretty legit and takes forever to look up all the scriptures but Its pretty legit just to be bringing Christ's love into the homes of our Heavenly Father's children. That's all:)
Elder Rawson

Sunday, July 28, 2013

28 July 2013

Good times,
As I was driving down the 10 to the Mission Office I had the windows down and the music blasting (with church approved hymns). It was pretty legit. The perks of P-day. 
Among this week there where many times where the hand of the Lord was placed in our lives. The latest happened last night. We where helping a man who had recently graduated Law School who is moving back to Utah with his family. We were bringing a couch and other big objects down to his car. After we where all done he decided that he wasn't going to need any of his food any more so he gave it to us. All of it. We did give a pie to a family in need, but it helped us because we don't have to buy anything this week.  He gave us toilet paper, napkins, food, just everything. It was a true blessing from the Lord. 
             Yesterday afternoon I was with my companion and a family came to a our mind. This is a family which we had knocked on their door and a woman was crying so we left. We didn't know their  situation because we had not been able to speak with them. So we went back to check up on them. To our surprise she was a Jew, and to make it even more interesting a Jew that believed in Christ. We got into a discussion witch lasted over forty five long minutes, with me taking the lead in the conversation. She pulled out her Torah and I pulled out my Book of Mormon and it was the most friendly bash that has ever happened. I think she could tell I was a greenie and had pity on me but I felt like I was doing a pretty good job at saying the right things. And then we left and gave her a invitation to visit and gave her a card. She did not want our book and that was that.  
             Surprisingly I have not had any spicy food yet but we have been fed. Last night we had pasta. We have had tacos, and burritos and lost of different things. When I went out with my zone leader; who covers part of my area; (he is Spanish speaking so his areas and boundaries are different); we went out and the whole day I was just submerged in Spanish, all the Mexicans or Latinos kept telling me to learn and I was like "SI" since that's all the vocab I know. But as we where tracking we would take every other door and on every door that I knocked on there was a man who opened it in his underwear. My Zone leader was just cracking up the whole time. It was pretty great. Not going to lie. 
               Jacob* is our only investigator who is a boy, he is 18 and he really opens up to me since we are the same age and all. He is being baptized on the 11th of August and I taught him the Plan of Salvation at the pioneer day stake event it was lots of fun. They have had him for a while but he does not live within stake or ward boundaries and we can't go to his area at all during the day since there are gang problems that he got out of so they are allowing it to be out of bounds. Which is super nice since the ward here has supported and fellowshiped him in. 
            Rachel* is our newest investigator she has meet with the Korean elders 5 times but it seems like she is converting for the wrong reasons because she likes the Elders not like because she knows that this is the one true church and her only path to salvation. But we get to meet with her and are super excited about it for sure. 
              I have been doing wonderfully and all is well. Thanks for all the love and support that you all have given me. I love you all so very much, and I loved the pictures. I bought a bike for 100 bucks with a helmet lights and all besides the lock from a elder who for some reason had two, so I am set if the time comes that I need a bike which will most likely happen in a couple transfers if I am no longer with my trainer. Everyone who has been with Elder (Sam) Hawthorn has been a leader of some sort right after. I am the first person he has trained though so I feel like that is my future and I am excited I would love to train more then anything really.
              I love you all
            with all my love
             Elder Rawson

*name(s) changed

Saturday, July 13, 2013

13 July 2013

This week has been nice, we have been moving right along. We are still in finding mode for the most part, but last night we found and Saturday morning we got a self referral. Most of our people are less active people who want to start coming back to church. It really is all about the referrals and the ward. If it wasn't for the ward our numbers would be super down. I guess people just wouldn't stay because they need that support at the very front of the journey. So that's what we have been doing. This next week we go out and I go out a day with my District leader and then my Zone leader and then the next day I have an interview with my mission president and then district meeting on Friday, and then a Saturday full of finding and first appoioments with people we have tracked into. And then Sunday there is a baptism and that's my week for the most part. This last Sunday I did a talk on the Holy Ghost at some body else's baptism its been a busy week for the Adam s ward. We are covering the Wilshire and USC area. I love the USC area its a younger crowd for the most part but they seem open to the words we have to share with them. We are having dinner tonight with a newly converted family preparing to go through the temple next month. There is a man, Brother Ray, a recent convert,  we meet with him and he always feeds us chili dogs. and then we read and teach and answer basic or deep questions he may have. Also there is an Asain named Chinio who is also a recent convert who  feeds us noodles and lives in some ones back yard and there are grape trees and orange trees and it just looks like a jungle. He lives in one room behind that house and we have a new convert get together every Wednesday at his back yard. It is kind of of his non official calling, I think he does it because he is used to partying so he enjoys the company so he doesn't fall back into that world. I have been working on my lesson plan book 5 lesson.  I have to like 200 scriptures within each lesson to find the right ones and set up my book all fancy its really nice actually and a big help. This week we had to get to our  apartment twice at 6 due to riots that where happening in Hollywood witch is outside our zone. We cover all the Adams ward besides downtown. The district leader gets that area so that's where I will be tomorrow. I am super excited for that. I think its good to get the new missionary's out with different missionary's so we understand better all the different ways. My companion has been out here 18 months and I  have to speed him up since he is so old. But I am doing very good thank you for all the love and support
Love Elder Rawson

Friday, July 12, 2013

Firsts: First area, first companion

Your missionary arrived safely to the California Los Angeles Mission.   Attached please find the following
1)      Mission President letter to the family
2)      Photo of missionary with companion
3)      Photo of missionary with President & Sister Baker
4)      Mission Communication Policy
5)      Information for Parents


California Los Angeles Mission

 12 July 2013

Dear Brother and Sister Rawson,

Elder Garrett William Rawson arrived safely to this mission 10 July 2013.  After prayerful consideration, Elder Samuel Alford Hawthorn was selected to be his companion.  We make every effort to assign only the very best missionaries to be trainers, as these first few months are critical in the life of a new missionary.   Enclosed are pictures of Elder Rawson with his companion, Sister Weidman, and me.

During the course of his mission he will be transferred from place to place; therefore, we ask that all his mail be sent to:

Elder Garrett William Rawson
1591 East Temple Way                
California Los Angeles Mission
Los Angeles, CA 90024-5801

We are excited and grateful to have Elder Rawson serve in the California Los Angeles Mission.  Our desire is to help him succeed and magnify his calling.  We will do everything possible to see that he remains healthy, actively engaged, challenged, and happy in his missionary labors.  Please be assured that his welfare and happiness are of primary concern to us.  For ongoing and up-to-date information on this mission, you can visit our mission blog:

The enclosed information answers many of the questions frequently asked. Should you have any questions or concerns during the course of Elder Rawson’s mission, please do not hesitate to contact  me.

Sincerely yours,

David N. Weidman, President
California Los Angeles Mission

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

09 July 2013

That's all really awesome! I will try to call you, it will be sort of early. If we do I am thinking, just since we meet at the front of the MTC at 4:30 but our plane does not go until around 845 we actually arrive in Los Angeles earlier then we left which I find hilarious, Today is the last day for me in the MTC witch is also our P-day witch makes it nice, we have more time to do all the cleaning and all the packing that we have to do. That sounds like a fine Virginia adventure. 
 I was just thinking and I am so proud to be the most Humble Missionary in this MTC haha.  
I have been very focused everyday on my work and coming closer to the Lord and figuring out how to teach. Really what it comes down to is how in tune you are with the spirit. And your ability to bring it with you where ever you go. Which I am working on. You really have to go in loving the person you are going to teach. It really is all about love and that's what I have realized. I really hope I can love all the people in Los Angeles.  I really think I will because I am really trying to see these people the way God sees them. And I'm really trying to teach in a way where its not just teaching a lesson but really focusing on the needs of the one. I find that to be very important.
While I am thinking of it i have not been able to find my patriarchal blessing I have my line of authority, but i have misplaced my other piece of paper.  I would really love one more copy please and thank you.  
During the 4th of July we where able to watch 17 Miracles and watch fireworks.  It was a really neat experience. Watching the stadium of fire from the fence of the MTC.
I have been able to work out everyday; running laps around the MTC and such. And my note book that I brought with me is just filling up at a really fast speed its kinda crazy, honestly.  
I cant wait to go into the field and serve my Lord. I love my district we have all been like brothers like a team sorta we all connected really fast. Um this last fast Sunday me and Elder Wright where able to bless the sacrament for our Zone it was pretty awesome a room full of missionaries bearing their testimonies. I don't think I am ever going to give up a opportunity to bear my testimony ever again.  The joy it has brought me, just to say what I believe is truly amazing.  
Well I love you all thanks for all the support and love that you send, I did receive that wallet and I was very thankful for that. It has been a great thing to have.  All my clothes and everything are doing just swell. Once again I am doing my laundry. Something I may want to get is one of those sticks that you put on the color of your white shirts and it really helps get the dirt out and some sheets that make it so you can clean your whites and colors together.  I think that would be very nice, for sure.  
I love you all! Hope ya'll have the best 2 years because I am. 
Love you!  Off to the great L.A!!
Elder Rawson

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

02 July 2013

I wrote the main letter to mother. 
What I have been studying is mostly Preach My Gospel but i have been reading in the Book of Mormon in Moroni 7 where it talks about faith and hope. I really am starting to understanding that a lot more. And the power of prayer and fasting. I fasted and when I went into talk to this investigator this question came to my mind which you just wouldn't ask not knowing someone's back ground. BI asked it and he came to tears and talked for 15 minutes about just everything and unloaded to me and Elder Wright. It was amazing. We are studying personally the pure love of Christ and enduring to the end.  
1 Cor 13
"Charity suffereth long , and is kind ; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself , is not puffed up. Doth not behave itself unseemly , seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked , thinketh no evil;  Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth;  Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things." 

D and C 11:21 
"Seek not to declare my word, but first seek to obtain my WORD, and then shall your tongue be loosed; then, if you desire, you shall have my Spirit and my word, yea, the power of God unto the convincing of men."

That word part is something that is so true.  I have received so much.
I will write more. 
limited time
Elder Rawson 

Elder Lui is a 280 pound Tongan that I share my room with from Alta High School. 

Sunday, June 30, 2013


30 June 2013

Alright here I go.. It has been a week. Don't expect me to use correct grammar or spelling because I am going fast and am waiting for my laundry to get done. Doing that and all other things on my own and it is all working out pretty great for me. I arrived and immediately got paired up with Elder Nelson from Texas. He is not my companion. My companion is Elder Write of Colorado and he is a great guy my age a little older but still just recently graduated. I am doing wonderful I am feeling the spirit and learning a lot of the purpose of being a missionary, which has to do a lot with love; the pure love of Christ which I find amazing. I was reading in Moroni and I found a scripture 7:41 which talks a lot about hope and the things you should hope for.  It talks about how you should hope for the promises of the atonement, resurrection and eternal life, and that if you don't have hope in those things then you don't have faith since that's where faith comes from. I have gotten a better understanding of the word hope, witch I believe means to be excited or pumped up for something that can not be proven through worldly things to be true. I probably did not explain that perfectly. . I am getting better at that though so don't you worry.
 Through out this week out the week we have had a load of class room experiences, missionary role plays, and devotionals  I was asked to be the investigator in front of the whole class one of the days and it made me more humbled to really understand where they are coming from, and really why this would be such a big thing, people who after there first lesson are all I want to be baptized are amazing but the thing I understand about this is that that is usually not the case you have to give them time, they really have to experience this all on there own. 

Um I am learning that you really have to teach the person and not the lesson that really you have to love the person to the point that God loves them. It has to be at the same level. Because you are the representative of Chirst.
in 3 nephi 13
some where it says 

"behold, i am a disciple of Jesus Christ the Son of God. I have been called to declare his word among his people that they might have everlasting life."
"Miracles don't build faith obedience does"
That is so true. I could see angles like Laben and Lemual and if I don't follow exactly what the Lord asks I will receive NO reassurance in my own heart or mind that any of this will come to pass or that it is true. 
I am doing very good and this is just a fast write. I may have more time today if I do I will send a quick email since today is my P day. Next Tuesday I will be on a plane so who knows when my next one will be but I will always write back. 

Tell Sam: That there are always bugs in that bed sodon't get to comfortable. 
Tell Wyatt:  That he is awesome and I still have the "lucky" penny he gave me when I left.
Tell Lindsay: That she should stop missing me so much since I am very good, and my knowledge of this Gospel and belief in it has been greatly enhanced. and that I know of the power of prayer since I have prayed everyday in constant prayer and I have never received so much joy
Mommy I love you:)
and Dad I love you too and I am studying in Preach my Gospel right now since we have to focus on that 99 percent of the time and Scriptures a lot less since we roll like that and are learning how to teach and preach not the scriptures as much as the power and Revelation you can receive from them.
Look up Elder Liuo he is a Tongan that went to Alta. He is in my dorm room in my district. There are 6 elders and sisters. All elders are going to LA and all Elders sleep in a 4 person room with two extra beds yay. Haha
I have taken pictures I will get you them at another time.

c ya 
Elder Rawson

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Letter from Provo MTC President

Dear Elder Garrett William Rawson,

Congratulations on your call to serve!  We are excited about your arrival at the Provo Missionary Training Center next week and are grateful for your decision to serve the Lord.  We would like to share some important information about your stay at the MTC.

You should arrive for your training at the main MTC campus (2005 N 900 E). If you are planning on driving to the MTC, please be aware that there is construction north of the MTC. Please approach the MTC from the south by driving east on University Parkway and then turning left (north) onto 900 East in Provo.

This will be your MTC mailing address:

Elder Garrett William Rawson
2011 N 900 E Unit 252
Provo UT 84602

Please share this address with those who may want to write or send packages to you while you are in the MTC.

Also, please pay close attention to the following instructions:

  1. Your service begins the day you check into the MTC.  Remind your family that complete separation from loved ones is part of the sacrifice that families and missionaries contribute to the work.  For this reason, you should ask your family and friends not to attempt to see or visit with you while you are at the MTC, not even during your temple walks or at other places near the MTC.
  2. All missionary mail must come through the US Mail or commercial delivery services.  These services should not be used to send pizzas, fast foods, ice-cream, or any items that will spoil if they are not refrigerated within 24 hours.  Missionaries are not called out of class to receive packages, nor do they have access to a refrigerator.  For security reasons, we cannot accept any items delivered by hand.
  3. Communication with family can be done through your missionary email account on your weekly Preparation Day. We cannot accept telephone calls for missionaries.
  4. Families and friends should not visit missionaries as they depart to their field of labor, whether at the MTC or at the airport.

Please do not reply to this email.  If you need to communicate with the MTC, please call 801-422-2602.


Provo MTC Presidency